I failed to mention that autosave should be turned off. Go sell them and repeat the save steps.ĮDIT: Like some pointed out. You should now be able to pick up endless gold bars. Go back to the previous menu and load the save you just made (without going back to the game). Stand a foot from the box and save the game. In the Sheriffs office there is a lock box under a desk. Go to the old burned down town near the end of the Dakota River. "Theres a waaay better exploit that works as well.
You can find the full post explaining the what many consider to be the best method for the RDR2 gold bar glitch that was posted to the official Red Dead Redemption 2 subreddit below. You will be able to drink to your heart's content with the money made from the gold bar glitch. The gold bar glitch can be used for any chest or box that contains the valuable item, but Redditor MagnusTS has posted a very efficient method for utilizing the gold bar glitch for Red Dead Redemption 2 to its fullest potential that involves the Sheriff's Office in a town that has seen better days near the Dakota River. In order to perform the Gold Bar Glitch for RDR2 players will need to find a chest that contains a gold bar and then save their game before they collect the monetary item.

Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) Gold Bar Glitch

This task has become very fruitful for Red Dead Redemption 2 players thanks to a new RDR2 gold bar glitch that allows players to carry as many gold bars as they can fit in their inventory. One of the most important features that players will use in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is the collection of money in order to purchase necessary RDR2 items and weapons. Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) is currently on top of the entertainment world with millions of players experiencing all of the action that Rockstar Games has packed into its latest hit game.